DFormatDefect1:If ADFS gives an error such as 'Disc error 13 at :4/00012A00' then 00012A00 is a logical disc address. The logical to physical disc address mapping depends on the defect list.|M|J
DFormatDefect2: When these defects are added to the defect list, it is|M|J
DFormatDefect3:important that they are added in DESCENDING order BEFORE the list is changed in any other way!|M|J
DefectAdd:B: add defect by cylinder, head, byte/sector|M|J
DefectAddDisc:C: add defect by disc address|M|J
DefectAddLogical:C: add defect by LOGICAL disc address (eg disc error)|M|J
DefectNoMore:A: no more changes to defect list|M|J